Combined HPV Vaccination and Imiquimod for Persistent High-Grade Vaginal Lesions

Combined HPV Vaccination and Imiquimod for Persistent High-Grade Vaginal Lesions

This case report, published in the Gynecologic Oncology Reports (Volume 52, April 2024), discusses the treatment of a woman with persistent high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN2/3), a condition closely associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, similar to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in the cervix. The study explores a unique approach, combining immune modulator therapy (Imiquimod) and nonavalent HPV vaccination (Gardasil9®), with a focus on inducing clinical remission and understanding cellular immune responses to HPV. The findings have direct implications for cervical health, shedding light on innovative strategies to manage persistent HPV-related lesions, thereby contributing to the prevention of cervical cancer. Read more here.

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