Enhancing Cervical Cancer Care: Yoga Nidra & Pranayama Study Reveals Promising Results

Enhancing Cervical Cancer Care: Yoga Nidra & Pranayama Study Reveals Promising Results

The article by Nuzhath F J, Patil N J, Sheela S R, et al., published in Cureus, investigates the impact of Yoga Nidra and Pranayama techniques on patients with cervical cancer undergoing standard care. Seventy women were divided into experimental and control groups, with the experimental group receiving yoga intervention alongside standard care. The study utilized the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to assess outcomes at various intervals over six weeks. Results showed significant improvement in depression and anxiety scores in the experimental group compared to the control, indicating the potential of these techniques as adjuvant therapy for managing treatment-related distress in cervical cancer patients. The study underscores the importance of holistic approaches in addressing the psychological aspects of cancer care, advocating for further research to validate these findings. Read more here.

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