At CervDefense, our biggest goal is education. We want to educate people with cervixes about their cervixes and about their options. Check out the below, which is a curated list of blogs, articles, and research related to cervical health, reproductive health, and women's health. It’s your body. Educate yourself about it.


Unveiling the Reality of IUD Insertions: Navigating Pain Management Challenges

Unveiling the Reality of IUD Insertions: Naviga...

In a revealing article, the distressing experiences of women during intrauterine device (IUD) insertions are brought to light. Through TikTok videos and personal accounts, women share their painful encounters, shedding light...

Unveiling the Reality of IUD Insertions: Naviga...

In a revealing article, the distressing experiences of women during intrauterine device (IUD) insertions are brought to light. Through TikTok videos and personal accounts, women share their painful encounters, shedding light...

Unveiling the Story Behind the Pap Smear: A Tale of Persistence and Triumph

Unveiling the Story Behind the Pap Smear: A Tal...

"The Cancer Detectives" is an insightful documentary featured on PBS's American Experience that delves into the history of the Pap smear, a once-dismissed cervical cancer screening test now considered routine. 

Unveiling the Story Behind the Pap Smear: A Tal...

"The Cancer Detectives" is an insightful documentary featured on PBS's American Experience that delves into the history of the Pap smear, a once-dismissed cervical cancer screening test now considered routine. 

Embracing Complexity: Navigating the Landscape of Women's Health

Embracing Complexity: Navigating the Landscape ...

In this opinion piece published in The Hill, Saralyn Mark highlights the politicization of women's reproductive health, noting that bipartisan efforts over the decades have led to significant legislative and research advancements.

Embracing Complexity: Navigating the Landscape ...

In this opinion piece published in The Hill, Saralyn Mark highlights the politicization of women's reproductive health, noting that bipartisan efforts over the decades have led to significant legislative and research advancements.

Enhancing Cervical Cancer Care: Yoga Nidra & Pranayama Study Reveals Promising Results

Enhancing Cervical Cancer Care: Yoga Nidra & Pr...

This article investigates the impact of Yoga Nidra and Pranayama techniques on patients with cervical cancer undergoing standard care. Results showed significant improvement in depression and anxiety scores in the experimental group...

Enhancing Cervical Cancer Care: Yoga Nidra & Pr...

This article investigates the impact of Yoga Nidra and Pranayama techniques on patients with cervical cancer undergoing standard care. Results showed significant improvement in depression and anxiety scores in the experimental group...

Preventing HPV and Eliminating Cervical Cancer in the Americas

Preventing HPV and Eliminating Cervical Cancer ...

The article from CSIS discusses the prevalence of cervical cancer, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, due to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. It highlights the availability of HPV vaccines...

Preventing HPV and Eliminating Cervical Cancer ...

The article from CSIS discusses the prevalence of cervical cancer, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, due to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. It highlights the availability of HPV vaccines...

Combined HPV Vaccination and Imiquimod for Persistent High-Grade Vaginal Lesions

Combined HPV Vaccination and Imiquimod for Pers...

This case report discusses the treatment of a woman with persistent high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN2/3), a condition closely associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, similar to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia...

Combined HPV Vaccination and Imiquimod for Pers...

This case report discusses the treatment of a woman with persistent high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN2/3), a condition closely associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, similar to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia...